Classique internationale de canots de la Mauricie 2023

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Le 1 septembre 2023, de 18:00 à 23:30.

Le 2 septembre 2023, de 09:00 à 23:00.

Le 3 septembre 2023, de 10:00 à 23:00.

Le 4 septembre 2023, de 09:30 à 18:00.

Récurrence Événement récurrent

The 90th edition of the long-distance canoe, rabaska and paddleboard competition, the most exciting in North America, will mark the year 2023. With three stages, totaling nearly 200 km on the waters of the Saint-Maurice River, the he event takes place in a natural setting that is unique in the world. The athletes, of international caliber, surpass themselves in this endurance event between La Tuque and Trois-Rivières, whose Shawinigan stage offers one of the most spectacular lifts, in an atmosphere boosted by thousands of supporters gathered.

For sports programming, click here.

For cultural program, clck here.

To buy your cultural passport, click here.

You can also buy your cultural passport at the tourist information office.

Don’t miss the fireworks, on Sunday 9:30 pm on the promenade du Saint-Maurice, Shawinigan


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@ Shawinigan Tourism  2024 - All rights reserved   //  Website development: Turbulences // Photo credit