Maison de la culture Francis-Brisson

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  • Located on the banks of the Saint-Maurice River and the Grand-Mère bridge, this heritage building has retained its superb cachet and its spectacular architecture with its slate roof, copper ornaments and France medieval castle-like towers. Its intimate performance hall, CABARET style, is renowned for its exceptional acoustics and warm character, it’s one of the most beautiful halls in Quebec. You will for sure feel things you will remember for a long time


  • Culture Shawinigan presents a diverse selection of shows ranging from classical to pop music, and even jazz and comedy.


  • For the past few years, every summer, the venue has presented a unique play recounting the journey and adventures of a truly inspiring real-life character. In the past, we’ve travelled to Antarctica through the story of Frédéric Dion, set sail with Mylène Paquette and flown into orbit with astronaut David Saint-Jacques. Keep an eye on the program every year to find out what’s coming up next!
@ Shawinigan Tourism  2024 - All rights reserved   //  Website development: Turbulences // Photo credit