Chocolato - Léonidas

Sweet Tooth

For those who would eat dessert all day long, Shawinigan offers many options to satisfy your sweet tooth. We even have a “heaven pie”.
Le Grille-Pain du coin
Boulangerie artisanale qui valorise les produits biologiques, les producteurs locaux et où chaque pâtisserie est une véritable œuvre d'art!
Fromagerie Victoria
La Fromagerie Victoria vous offre un menu varié (déjeuner, dîner, souper) mais on y va surtout pour son fromage et sa crème glacée!
Crémerie de Flore
An ice cream bar, a gelato counter, homemade ice cream cakes on site as well as a candy shop and all kinds of chocolates in Shawinigan.
A chocolate factory paired with an ice cream parlor opened year-round in Shawinigan. twenty choices of dippings made with 100% pure chocolate.
Café Le Bucolique
Restaurant looking like a veritable museum with its original character in Shawi. Copious breakfasts and lunches and decadent coffees.
@ Shawinigan Tourism  2024 - All rights reserved   //  Website development: Turbulences // Photo credit