
Young entrepreneur, I am a spontaneous person, who has a good sense of humor and who especially does not like to take himself seriously. Curious by nature, I am also a good rather competitive sportsman who likes to get to the bottom of things.

My Favorites

Roulottes Beauparlant

Good simple fries at one of the Roulottes Beauparlant. In Shawi, when the two trailers set up on the 5e rue de la Pointe, it’s a sign that spring is coming. Some prefer the straight ones, commonly called the “drettes”, others the curly ones, but I can’t choose, I really like them both!

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La Mauricie National Park – Lac-du-Pimbina Trail

A 13 km with a good elevation that takes the day if you take the time to stop or a good 5 hours if you do it without stopping. I love the breathtaking views of the lakes surrounded by nature! My snacks and picnic consist of granola bars, fruits and nuts. I always take the opportunity to savor L’audacieux smoothie from my company TREKO, which produces freeze-dried vegan food.

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Parc Antoine Saint-Onge – DEK hockey

I love to end my week by playing DEK hockey on Friday nights at the park in the summer or at the indoor center on Burril Street in the winter. Perfect for unwinding with a good beer before returning home. A great way to start the weekend! Match or tournament, it always feels good!

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