Grand-Mère’s treasures in Winter

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By Tourisme Shawi’s team

Route available by clicking here.

If you’re of the opinion that there’s no better way to discover a city than by walking it, then this “Bulle” is perfect for you! Put on your good walking shoes or get on your bike for a getaway of about 4 km.

Ready? Let’s go! Go to the Maison de la culture Francis Brisson, from where you’ll have a remarkable view of the river and the suspension bridge dating from 1928. Spanning the two banks of the Saint-Maurice River, the latter was considered, at the time of its inauguration, as the longest suspension bridge in Canada. This jewel of our heritage is ultra photogenic. So, take out your camera to take some shots!

Done? Head to the Quartier des Anglais. By walking along the Parc Forman, you’ll feel like you’ve been transported to the beginning of the 20th century. Built at the time by the Laurentides factory, the residences in this neighborhood have an architecture inspired by New England and an undeniable charm.

Continue your way to the Rocher de Grand-Mère. Legend has it that a young Native American girl watched for the return of her fiancé for years… When he died, she was changed into a rock as a symbol of her faithfulness. Interesting fact: this rock has been moved since it previously served as a landmark in the river for Native Americans who navigated it. Climb the stairs to be able to observe it more closely and better distinguish its face, before continuing your short ascent to the top of the rock.

Two steps away, you’ll be able to admire the old Anglican Church of St-Stephen, built in the neo-Gothic style. Then head towards St-Paul’s Church. It’s worth taking the time to read the historical signs. You’ll learn about the different industries present in this sector. Not far from there, you can explore store, popular with the locals (Galerie d’art de Grand-Mère, boutique Caroline, Tissus Berthiaume, Les Trouvailles d’Alain (flea market), not to mention the oleic oils of the Alchemistes gastronomiques and many others *). You can also stop for a meal in one of the restaurants or snack bars on Avenue de Grand-Mère. These are restaurants very often frequented by locals, so you’ll feel just like one of them.

Continue towards the Parc de la Rivière Grand-Mère. You’ll have a nice view from above when you arrive. Say hello to the ducks and follow the asphalt path following the river, taking the time to admire the falls and cascades on your way. Then cross the street to admire the falls when the Grand-Mère River meets the Saint-Maurice River. The view is simply superb!

Psst! The Parc de la Rivière Grand-Mère is ideal to have some fun sliding with the kids – and it’s free!

Walking along the river towards the bridge, you’ll return to your starting point : the Maison de la culture Francis-Brisson, a performance hall whose impressive architecture is reminiscent of a New England medieval castle with turrets.

If you have a question about this “Bulle”, contact us! It’ll be our pleasure to help you.

Level: Easy, slightly hilly.

Distance: 4km

Duration: About 2 hours

Cost: Free

*Attention! The opening hours of some businesses may vary.

@ Shawinigan Tourism  2024 - All rights reserved   //  Website development: Turbulences // Photo credit