
Sociable and curious, I love to chat about travels, culture and good food! I love getting out of my comfort zone and enjoying a good meal with friends. I like Shawinigan for its nature in the middle of town, its majestic river and the quality of its local products.

My Favorites

zélé - Stéphanie G


My to go to restaurant for a date night or with friends. The service is impeccable, the food is exceptional, and the atmosphere of this ancestral house is comforting. My favorite meals to share are the seafood casserole, the rabbit shoulders or the braised walleye accompanied by a good bottle of wine recommended by the employees.

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tous les jours dimanche - Le Nhu an

Tous les jours dimanche

Being a confirmed epicurean, I love to stop by the bakery to show my friends the best cheese croissants and their Luces (any of them -they are all good) with the mushroom spread, simply delicious!

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Poirier - Stéphanie G

Librairie Poirier

I love strolling down the aisles of the bookstore with my boyfriend, my friends and my family. A nice moment spent with your head in books, whether in novels, recipe books or even comic books. The team is always there for good advice, and I never leave without a book in hand!

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Thibodeau Ricard - Le Nhu an

Thibaudeau-Ricard Trail

For a moment of tranquility as a couple or with friends, I like to walk this trail with a fishing rod in hand! After walking along the river and its magnificent falls, we settle down on the rocks to cast our line and wait quietly for the fish to tease it!

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462 tamarac apéro personna gang filles - Jacinthe B, Mélanie, Staphanie G

Want even more inspiration ?

You, the foodie who likes to hang out and try new things with your friends, and chose to come in Shawinigan for a few days: GOOD PICK! Let me be your personal guide and suggest my favorites in order to make your stay memorable.

Take a look at my epicurean favorites with friends

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@ Shawinigan Tourism  2024 - All rights reserved   //  Website development: Turbulences // Photo credit